Saturday, December 9, 2006

New varieties of crops......... for new types of cancers

The whole world is running behind
the newly designed crop seeds(genetically modified crops).
Our body is a gift of a long evolution process
and we are fit for only natural foodies.
Our digestion system and digestive juices are only for
natural plants and even for natural animals.
When any gene of a crop gets modified and
a tomato is changed in potato,
a sheep in beef,
the body fails to understand
the nature of that particular food.
Some part of it gets digested and rest of it goes 'dumped' in a side of our body
causing tumours
and many other things
which are not easy to trace.
This cause of cancer is day by day increasing
and we are increasing the funds and supports to science and scientists
and companies who are engaged in this trade of cancers.....

Friday, December 8, 2006

Mineral water or "zero mineral" water!

Generally we take mineral water for a healthy drink because it is free of germs and in a well preserved packing.
The name given to it, is really very interesting.
We call it mineral water .
Is it full of minerals?
Its all 'salt' has been filtered mechanically and the mineral content is very low.
Minerals are necessary parts of our balanced diet.
We take minerals through water and fruits,vegetables and cereals etc.
The major part of minerals come from water.
In a complex process of filtrationn all the salt content of water goes tremendously down and in fact there no salts or minerals are left in a mineral water bottle.
Then think again.
Are minerals really necessary for us?
From where do we will be able to get them?
Is distilled water or filtered water not dangerous for our isotonic cytoplasm?
Are we wasting money for a bottle of unhealthy water?
Why the 'water' of a particular place suits us and makes us healthy?
Is it not true that the water of natural springs are able to cure many diseases?
Is it not true that the water of a small river coming down from mountains, is full of abstracts of many herbs and shrubs?
Then is it a wise step to filter,filter, filter and filter the natural mineral water?

Thursday, December 7, 2006

AIDS,Is it really a disease!

AIDS, really dangerous or just a jugglary of medical terminology!
Nobody in this world has separated the HIV (virus) from any 'infected'patient in any pathology lab!
Nobody has seen the virus by any powerful machine!
Other viruses are visible or easy to separate from any 'patient's culture suffering by common cold,Jaundice or any viral infection!
Why the committee for Nobel Prizes is not recommending that scientist who has 'discovered ' the virus?

Any scientist may not claim that he had separed the virus from a patients culture and now putting the claim for Nobels?
What is the reality of this AIDS SHOW?
Who are the real people behind this much haba-daba for AIDS?
Why there is a dangerous flow of hard-earned tax revenue for benefits of a handful of powerful lobby of NGOs and MNCs behind AIDS......
LET us Fight against ..........
But whom?

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Pujya Baapu,Ghandhigiri ke naam par.

Was Ghandhiji really a Hero of Indian freedom movement?
Was the contribution of Gandhiji enough to ignore others?
Was his way of ahimsa really so powerful?
Why britishers freed about 200 other countries after second world war?
Even,there no any leader like Gandhiji was present in those contries or not even following the path of ahimsa!
Can you answer these questions arising in the young brains of india?
Yet we respect Gandhiji,I do respect him blindly,but some doubts are hard to ignore.....