Tuesday, January 30, 2007


pollution is the main gossip matter on all platforms.
It has a charm and high potential to earn money.
Suppose you are travelling on a journey and have nothing to talk
with a man who is travelling
with his attractive family members,
then start
Now, I invite you to be a serious gossiper,

definitely not to be a grasshopper,
and think about all strategies of Pollution and its solution.
All scientists in India and developing world
are importing SCIENCE from western countries,
which is just like a garbage of their end products.
Just chaff of sugarcane after getting juice from it.
What is the cause of pollution...... motorcars,industries...AC,cutting forests....
definitely not.
Then what is the answer?
what is the solution ?
Shocking to know that
the cause of pollution
are the TREES
and solution is hidden in

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