Saturday, April 28, 2007
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Talcum powder may harm kidneys
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Red is not red,Blue is not Blue...
Friday, February 16, 2007
Ozone layer is not depleting
Do you know what is the source of ozone in upper layers of atmosphere?
For your kind information......when the thunder and lightening in clouds take place in upper layers of atmosphere, the oxygen changes in ozone.
Now some scientists are very 'sincere' in saving the ozone layer.
Can they estimate the amount and production of that huge gas?
Can they slow or upgrade its production in universe?
Do they Know the actual loss?
Is it a real loss or just a timely suspense of nature?
Are the pictures of ozone depletion on poles easy to believe?
Are these pictures not could be created by computer graphics?
Why freeze and A.C. manufacturing companies are funding the propaganda
for replacing old models of their products with new ones with CFC techniques?
Is it possible to cover the hundreds of kilometers for a gas like CO2, CO,or any one which is being produced in older models of fridges,ACs,etc.,(using CFC) upto the ozone layer.
Note, the highest peak on Himalayas is Mt.Everest and there is no oxygen,
which is only 9 Km.high from the sea level.
The CO2 is more heavier than O2
and it is found only in lower layers of atmosphere.
Then is it possible for it to approach upto the ozone layer
which is about 300 kms above in the universe!!!
Monday, February 12, 2007
Global warming is helpful for us,causing more rain,more snowfall
are telling us that how much the global warming
will be dangerous for the climate of our earth.
They convince unscientifically and say that it will increase
the temperature of the earth's atmosphere
and the whole world will face many unwanted changes
in climate.But see the facts in this angle......
1. The increase in CO2 and other gases will
absorb more solar radiation and will
increase the temperature of the atmosphere.
OK... then what is the problem?
It shall cause more formation of water vapour from sea
and from earth's surface
and more rainfall also.
We will get rainfall like places on equatorial region.
We will get heavy rainfall and better chances of irrigation
from natural water and a jungle safari
inside metros with more green forests.
2.More water vapour means more snowfall
on mountains and on north and south poles
and more cold winds originating from there
causing a fall in temperature of neighbouring countries
and ultimately a balance in the whole adiabatic system.
3.Earlier the earth was a ball of fire and its high temperature
caused formation of H2O in air creating miles of heavy clouds
and heavy rainfall up to millions of years.
let us thank for those
who are causing the
so called "GLOBAL WARMING"
and try to know the reality of those scientists
who are getting millions of dollars to spread
state sponsored campaigns
for their own vested interests......
Let us know the truth.......
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Neil Armstrong on moon or NIL ON MOON
have a lot of things to praise
in the field of scientific innovations,
we are sure in a fine mood to
get the answer of some 'little' doubts
in this image.
1.How the flag is flickering or hoisting
in absence of air or atmosphere?
2.Why there is no shadow of the flag
and its support in sunlight?
3.Out of three astronauts on the mission
who has taken the image,if
in another image, all three were
looking together?
4.Why there is nothing
in background of the image,even
in a bright sunlight?
Guess the 'truth'..........
Is air present on moon!!how the flag is blowing....
Some scientists say that
there is no atmosphere
on the moon.
Some say that atmosphere is present but
oxygen is not present on moon.
What may be the fact,
but it is not possible to hoist a flag on moon
due to absence of atmosphere,
blowing wind and
relatively lower gravitational field.
It causes a doubt and it seems that
the photograph of Neil Armstrong
on moon
is a creation in a studio
with a black background.
Is it possible to take a photograph
without stones,rocks or anything in background
in a clear sunlight.
Note the sunlight is enough to create
shadows of Neil
and his machines and flag of U.S.A.
In fact nobody
was actually on that day
on moon
and this image is inviting a lot of doubts.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Global warming,oceans will overflow or shrink!!
are shouting in a loud noise and making the whole world cautious
about the dangers of global warming.
They warn us and say that
if the ice present on north and south poles of earth
will melt due to temperature rise,
the level of sea water may submerge coastal areas
causing'Tsunami' types of losses.
Now, see the fact.
Take a glass of water
and fill it completely upto its uppermost layers.
Put it inside freezer and allow to turn in ice.
You will notice that ice comes out from the glass,
means the volume of ice has been increased.
Put some ice cubes in your lassi or cocktail
and allow it to melt completely.
Notice the level in your glass.
you will be surprised to know
that the water level has come down.
In the same way,when the ice
present either on floating continent of Arctic(north pole)
or floating continent of Antarctic(south pole)
will melt,
the level of water in oceans
will trenmendously come down
and it will leave many important dockyards
to organise cricket matches
on their
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
pollution is the main gossip matter on all platforms.
It has a charm and high potential to earn money.
Suppose you are travelling on a journey and have nothing to talk
with a man who is travelling
with his attractive family members,
then start
Now, I invite you to be a serious gossiper,
definitely not to be a grasshopper,
and think about all strategies of Pollution and its solution.
All scientists in India and developing world
are importing SCIENCE from western countries,
which is just like a garbage of their end products.
Just chaff of sugarcane after getting juice from it.
What is the cause of pollution...... motorcars,industries...AC,cutting forests....
definitely not.
Then what is the answer?
what is the solution ?
Shocking to know that
the cause of pollution
are the TREES
and solution is hidden in
Saturday, December 9, 2006
New varieties of crops......... for new types of cancers
The whole world is running behind
the newly designed crop seeds(genetically modified crops).
Our body is a gift of a long evolution process
and we are fit for only natural foodies.
Our digestion system and digestive juices are only for
natural plants and even for natural animals.
When any gene of a crop gets modified and
a tomato is changed in potato,
a sheep in beef,
the body fails to understand
the nature of that particular food.
Some part of it gets digested and rest of it goes 'dumped' in a side of our body
causing tumours
and many other things
which are not easy to trace.
This cause of cancer is day by day increasing
and we are increasing the funds and supports to science and scientists
and companies who are engaged in this trade of cancers.....